AAI Veterinary Immunology Committee and American Association of Veterinary Immunologists (AAVI) : Tumor Immunotherapy in Comparative Oncology

13 May 2017
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Room 204C

AAI Veterinary Immunology Committee and American Association of Veterinary Immunologists (AAVI) : Tumor Immunotherapy in Comparative Oncology

Crystal L. Loving, Natl. Animal Dis. Ctr., ARS, USDA; AAI Veterinary Immunology Committee Chair
Radhey Kaushik, South Dakota State Univ.


  • Nicola J. Mason, Univ. of Pennsylvania Sch. of Vet. Med., CAR T cell therapy in dogs with hematological malignancies
  • Lawrence B. Schook, Univ. of Illinois Col. of Agricultural, Consumer and Envrn. Sci., The Oncopig Cancer Model (OCM): A platform for transitional, translational and transformative advances in cancer research
  • David M. Vail, Univ. of Wisconsin Sch. of Vet. Med., Defining the value of comparative cancer immunotherapy clinical trials in companion species
  • Jaime F. Modiano, Univ. of Minnesota Col. of Vet. Med., Opportunities to accelerate translation of cancer immunotherapy through companion animal trials

This symposium will feature approaches for cancer immunotherapy relevant to both human and veterinary health, with an emphasis on immune system recognition and activation. Various active and passive immunotherapy approaches will be presented, highlighting the ability of antibodies and immune cells to destroy tumor cells while sparing healthy cells. The symposium will highlight recent advances in comparative tumor immunology that demonstrate translational cohesion and support the current “One Health” approach to identify scientific commonalities and medical treatments that benefit both humans and animals.